How Important Is Exercise In Weight Loss

Exercise is very important for weight loss, but not for the reasons you might think. If you watch TV ads could be convinced that any number of magic exercise machines and gadgets will help you lose weight. In the best of cases, they are wrong and the worst is that they lie and cheat.

To lose weight I should train for a marathon, a 20-minute workout on a treadmill would not work with the calories of a small handful of raisins. The simple fact is that you can not go out exercising their mouth and that diet is the main factor required for weight loss.

Exercise helps regulate insulin, helps manage stress and burn a small amount of calories. Human bodies have always been designed to move, we are by nature active non-sedentary creatures.

Good health and well-being require movement, diabetes, arthritis and virtually all health problems needs movement. 30 minutes of walking per day can reduce allergies by 25%. Moderate exercise to help sleep and think, movement helps to study and creativity.

There may be no disagreement that exercise and activity is essential for a healthy life but not directly the key to weight loss. However, when sleep better and have less stress and feel healthier is more likely to eat a better diet and exercise therefore it has a role.

Hard exercise does not contribute more than moderate exercise, you sweat because your base is hot not because you burn more calories. Research shows that although exercise is a poor calorie burner the best pace is what are called zone two activities, that is 180 less your age.

This gives a good heart rate work for most people, of course some people like my big time father in 83 would virtually have stopped. You can add 5 if you are fit and subtract five if too struck with disability.

The important message here is that you need to exercise as part of a healthy life but not lead you to burn calories, you will be disappointed.

As the key to weight loss is your diet mentioned, and being specifically in a fat burning mode, which means you need to consume good amounts of quality fats and low carbohydrates (sugars).

Sugar is a low energy source that often needs to be covered, making a lot of triglycerides (fats). But it takes fewer fat calories and better burning as a fuel source, while placing less fat.

So to lose weight, you need to avoid processed carbs, eat quality fats and proteins, exercise moderately, sleep well and control your stress.


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