Breakfast Made Easy

Need a quick and delicious breakfast in the morning? Breakfast is very important, gives your body fuel to start the day and stay alert all day. Having a breakfast has a multitude of benefits. It helps to stay focused throughout the day and provides energy. Your metabolism first thing the morning also starts, which will contribute to weight loss. Your body goes all night without eating, so naturally when you wake up to eat. If you do not eat, your brain tricks your body into thinking it is in starvation mode and will hold to fat. If you eat, your body can burn fat. So we know that breakfast is important but many of us have a very hectic morning and struggle trying to eat a good breakfast before rushing to the door. Do not just grab powder donuts and a big coffee at the gas station across the street. Instead, try this quick, easy and affordable recipe.

The night of the oatmeal is a great idea for breakfast! Oatmeal at night is quick and easy. Then recipe porridge peanut butter described peanut.

You will need:

-1 Pot small mason

-1/2 Cut old fashioned oats

-1 Teaspoon of peanut butter

-1/3 From a small banana, cut into slices

-1/2 Tablespoon Powdered Chocolate Protein

-1/2 Water Cup


The night before or even a few nights before emptying the oats in the bottle, followed by protein powder. Then add half a cup of water and rotate gently a few times. After that, add the teaspoon of peanut butter on top. Now for bananas, you can throw in the pot now or wait until morning. Place the lid on the pot and put in the refrigerator overnight or in the morning, you are looking for a delicious breakfast. When you pull, add slices of banana, if it has not already done, and mix a little with a spoon. There you go. Breakfast is done. You can even take it anywhere.

This breakfast is affordable, quick, easy and nutritious. You get healthy carbohydrates from oats, peanut butter proteins and protein powder, and various benefits of bananas. Not to mention, it has good taste. Night oatmeal can be done in many different ways. Pina Colada oats overnight can make my replacement simply protein chocolate vanilla, sliced ​​banana for a couple of pieces of pineapple, and peanut butter for a few coconut flakes. It can be done with the flavor of protein powder or a variety of fruits.

No excuses when it comes to weight loss, or at least should not be. Not having the time to set up training and proper nutrition is one of the most common excuses. You must take the time; You need to take a few extra minutes to find creative ways to make it work in your lifestyle or you will not get the results you expect.

Hello people! Come see Ryan Cowboy and Malicious Gym not only get results, get our advice and useful tips for effective weight loss!


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