Big Weight Loss Changes

Muffin grab on the way to work can be as routine for you now as you brush your teeth in the morning. However unconscious habits such as these are hard to break and can be detrimental to your weight loss efforts, especially if they have gone uncontrolled for a number of years!

Actions actually lead to results, if one takes positive action that invariably lead to a positive outcome. In simple terms, a habit is just a measure taken again and again until it becomes subconscious. Although these "learned habits" can be difficult to break, it is possible to break with the right methods.

The ABC method

The idea of ​​this method is to prevent the problem before it arises or as the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure!" The acronym ABC, A stands for Antecedent (the cause), B and C means The behavior means accordingly.

Most of the consequences of weight loss, as in the rest of life have a cause that thus creates some type of behavior. So, simply remove the cause of a problem, because the consequences are eliminated

For example:

Keep a bag of chips in the kitchen (Antecedent) brings you to eat this bag of chips (behavior) and, therefore, overtime lead to unwanted weight gain (the consequence)

The method of distraction

This method involves moving your attention to something else as soon as your cravings begin, and reminding you that the cravings last up to 15 minutes. When they start cravings, try something more like calling a friend or listening to music. If you really want to speed up your weight loss efforts, then try a physical activity instead, like going for a walk around the block!

The Conflict Method

This method forces you to move forward with their negative behaviors. If you feel you crave the bag of chips, think about how unnecessary extra calories will be. In addition, you can think of following eating this bag of end chips, and how it is going to have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts!

The gradual approach

The reality is that sometimes, it can be a daunting task to try to cut the whole life of unhealthy foods once, so instead of trying to take step by step. For example, if you usually have four meals a week, try to reduce that number by one every week until it is to have no outings at all! As you succeed with this approach gradually gain more confidence until they can really make a big impact on your weight loss routine.

Destroying old habits can be a bit difficult at first, especially if they are integrated in a while, but keep it! Over time, your new habits will be trained and will become second nature to you if you do not give. Just remember to hold all your little victories that keep you going when the times are hard!

Till next time!

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words, he says: "I used to be overweight as people began to make rude comments and that is when it was decided that it was enough, and lost weight forever!" Has been on your weight goal for the past 10 years and has never looked back!

To celebrate, he launched his new book, "Fat Burning Furnace" for free for a limited time.


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